Monday, January 31, 2011

Bless Me

I decided to post again because there are a few things that have happened since my last post that are worth mentioning. So, whenever I sneeze, I always say, "Bless me" because that's what you say when no one says it to you. This is probably Rose's least favorite thing I do (I know, it's hard to believe) but she makes a point to say, "BLESS YOU!" whenever I sneeze. Anyway, today in one of her classes the guy behind her sneezed and said, "bless me" and his friend was like, "umm did you just say bless me? everyone in the class thinks you're lame" or something like that. And then he sneezed again and started to bless himself, but his friend said, "BLESS YOU!" I wish this kid read my blog so he would know he's not alone and it's totally acceptable to say "bless me." Sneeze on.

Also, before I offended Ben at dinner, he came in our room and watched the rest of Mean Girls 2 with us. Probs the dumbest movie we have ever seen, but we did give it the benefit of the doubt and watched until the end. Then we went to dinner and I didn't really offend Ben, he was just pretending, but I was super concerned that I offended him because I started to say, "I would be freaking out if I didn't..." and what I was most likely going to say is "...know my major," but Ben is undeclared, so I then explained to him that I would be freaking out because I'm such a freak and have my whole life planned. Anyway, it was chill.
Just did some work in econ and caught up on J. Shore. Can't wait to get home after work and go back to sleep ALL DAY.

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