Wednesday, January 26, 2011


I can't think of any good theme for this blog, so I'm going to take this in a different direction tonight and being totally random. That's a joke, this blog is always random. Anyway, here's what I've been up to/what's been on my mind today:
9 am- Brit Lit. Made a new friend. Yay Me.
10 am-Waste time at the Student Center while waiting to go to bio.
10:20 am- Ate a muffin that was waaay too chocolately for breakfast. But I got over it.
11 am- Bio. Blah blah blah.
12 pm- Lunch. Researched a potential minor. (More to come)
1 pm- Econ. It was a Journalism day. Rock on.
2-3:50 pm: Bio lab. Nothing induces more panic in me than a histogram and measuring seashells. Ask Lia, I was getting pretty stressed about graphing. I did not sign up to do graphs, thank you very much. I have a history of doing the whole graph and then realizing I did it wrong. Thank God Lis is in my class otherwise everyone would judge me for my lack of math skills. Anyway, it was extremely long and torturous.
4-5 pm-Gilmore Girls
5- Dinner
5:30-8:45- Work
8:55-Read the following texts from my mom: 1. hi i got a new phone. 2. did you get my message. 3. maybe you're sleeping or at zumba. 4 did you eat dinner? 5. where are you? 6. are you at work?
9- Kicked butt on the Elliptical
The rest is not all that interesting. Well, really none of it was very interesting either, but I have a fan base so I have to blog and give the people what they want.
Anyway, I'm trying to change my major, but it's a lot harder than I thought. My intense dislike of math/science/politics/economics/business/blah blah is really limiting.
Three reasons why I'm saying "UGH" in my head right now:
1. I need to rinse this bowl on my desk but I don't feel like it.
2. Ryan is in STL. I'm in Como.
3. These leggings are too thin and make me look fat. I need to do laundry asap.

Anywayz, I'm really happy because I don't have class until 11 tomorrow. YAYYAAYAYAYAY. Sorry, too much. Too lazy to go back and censor my excitement.
Night friends,

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