Thursday, February 3, 2011

Growing Pains

My wisdom teeth are coming in full force and they hurt like a motha. I'm so over my teeth. I had this really clingy orthodontist and he could just not accept that I was over him and all his tricks. Yeah, your office was cool for the first three years I had braces. You had a lot of color choices for rubber bands and some good magazines, but your office smelled weird and had weird artwork. I gave up every half day and day off in high school AND grade school and he gave me nothing in return for years. I could have done all this stuff myself. He promised my braces would be coming off "very soon," but that was never the case. Finally, the summer of my senior year, I said I'm sick of yo shit and I asked very nicely for them to take my braces off for my senior pictures. No one in the office could understand why in the world I would want my braces off for my senior picture. Someone actually said, "It's not like these are your wedding pictures." It might not have been a big deal had I not had braces since the fifth grade. After a lot of negotiating, promising to wear a retainer all day, err day, and get the braces back on for a year right after the pictures, they finally agreed to let my teeth be free for a week. Or so they thought. Unfortunately, I had to work the day they scheduled the appointment, so I had cancel and said I would "get back to them ASAP," which I didn't. They left a lot of passage aggressive messages, which I promptly deleted. My parents were kind of pissed, but I reminded them this was the only rebellious thing I had ever done in my life and they eventually dealt with it. This is actually a very long story and I skipped a lot of details. So, now I don't have braces and I'm a happy camper. Except not right now. Anyway, my laundry is almost finished. I'm still phone and roommateless.
P.S. 1 week!

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