Monday, February 21, 2011

Hey Monday

Hey Monday, what a great band. I love girl bands. Anyway, today is Monday, but it's proving to be not so torturous as I thought. I'm patting myself on the back I made a "Weekend To Do List" on Friday and actually accomplished a lot of it. It really helps to write out all my homework ahead of time so I'm not waking up Sunday morning freaking out that I have to work in 3 hours and a ton to do! I like to make a list of everything I have to do for the week, like assignments, meetings, work, laundry and other odds and ends. Sometimes I put things on my to do list even if I've already done them, just so I can scratch if off my list. Shhh. But there's nothing wrong with recognizing accomplishments. I have a pretty busy week, but I'm on a John Mayer binge and I have a new background on my computer to get me through the week:

I don't know if anyone (besides Claire) has seen this before, but there is actually an interesting history behind this poster. It was a motto in Britain during a war. The original background was the British flag, but it is still used today and sometimes people change it to say funny things. Like, "keep calm and blog on." So true. And there are a bunch of Harry Potter ones too. My big reward for this busy week is getting to go home this weekend! I actually can't go home until Saturday morning because I have a mandatory work meeting, but Ryan is coming and staying Friday night and driving me home Saturday morning after my meeting because he's so nice. I'm so excited to see him and my family at home. My cousins from Colorado will be in town and I never get to see them, so it will be fab! 
keep calm and eat a cupcake, 

p.s. i actually saw a notepad that said, "keep calm and eat a cupcake" a few months ago and laughed for a lonnnng time. 

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