This post is coming a day late. I chose to go to bed instead of blogging last night. (Side note- I got eight hours of sleep and I'm still ty ty. I hate my bed.) Anyway Happy Late Valentine's Day friends! I know a lot of people hate Valentine's Day, but I love Valentine's Day. I always have, even before I had a boyfriend. I was single for 18 Valentine's Days, but I still felt the love. My parents always got us cards and left us a little treats at breakfast. It's also an excuse to wear pink and I'm all about that! I don't think it should be a day to focus on what you don't have, but instead what you do have, like your friends and family.
Funny story about Valentine's Day for your entertainment. It was 2007, and I was eagerly awaiting a note during homeroom that morning that would determine the rest of my life. Or just my acceptance into Honors English III. I fumbled with the folded piece of tiny paper to find a rejection note in impeccable handwriting. Yes, that was my name on the front. I'll spare you the details about my crying (one of my friends threw up. It was pretty rough) but I will say I was not a Valentine's Day vision. Luckily, I went to school with all girls, so it did not matter.
Anyway, that night at dinner I picking at my food muttering things like "My life is over" and "I'm sooo transferring," and my brother said something really profound. He asked why it was such a big deal. I've always liked my brother, I really have, but at that moment I wanted to strangle him. "Because! I can't be a journalist now! I can't even get into Honors English III." He said, "So? Michael Jordan didn't make his high school basketball team and look at him now." Huh. Smart kid.
I thought my whole future depended on that acceptance. Wrong! I still got to be Editor-in-Chief of the paper, still got into Mizzou and I'm staying afloat in the world's best J school. Oh and did I mention I'm a double major now? Yep, Journalism and English. Anyway, my brother gave me some really important perspective. (He's single, ladies. He looks like me and may be a little smarter. Hit him up!)
Love what you do and do what you love, otherwise, what's the point? Love is important. Love yourself, love others, love life. Or as my good friend Mike likes to say "ELE" or "Everybody love everybody." Alliteration, yay!
Aaaand, let me dedicate one minute to my Valentine. I'm sorry that I "blew you off" in eighth grade, but it was probably just because I had a mad crush on you even then and I was playing hard to get. I love you.
I'll leave you with my
feelings about Valentine's Day and my
advice if you hate it.
Much love!