Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ok, seriously I have a problem. I get so hungry at 10:30 every single night. Not just like oh, I'll snack on some grapes hungry, like I'm starving and have to eat now hungry. Thank god I don't have a car at school, or else this bad habit would continue. Pretty soon I'll be back to grilled cheese and salad every day. I'm starting to pack up all my stuff and it's making me sad. It's so weird to pack to leave one home to go to the next home. So not looking forward to getting back to school and homework. At least I am finished with my torturous 8 am Poli Sci class. Oh my goodness, talk about wanting to skip class. I did look up the fitness class schedule online and they are offering ballet this semester! I normally dislike overusing exclamation points, but this is a totally ok situation! (Sorry Lia, I know this is annoying you.) I took ballet for a long time when I was little and I think I will actually like this class. I can go to it before my first class on Tuesday. I'm planning on waking up around the same time every day and getting into a semi normal sleeping pattern. But we'll see how that goes. I will miss sleeping in, but before I know it, it will be spring break and I'll be home again. And then summer. My favorite thing about sleeping in is waking up slowly. I like to stay in bed for a bit after I wake up. That's why I always set my alarm for half an hour before I need to get up, so I can try and trick myself into waking up slowly, which never works because I fall back asleep right away and accidentally turn off my alarm. Last night I was having nightmares and trying to scream in my dreams, but couldn't. I didn't sleep very well the rest of the night, or this morning because I had to work, so I'm super ready to put on the warmest and comfiest PJs ever and crawl into bed. 
Sweet dreams, 
p.s. sorry for the lack of structure/flow/organization (purpose?) in this blog. (I'll probs right something similar to this every post, but continue to do it because this is so fun!)
p.p.s it's 12:34, my favorite time. :) 

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