Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow My Goodness

So in the past two days a few things have happened: 
I haven't blogged. 
STL had a blizzard. 
I got some new sweatpants. 
I've slept an inordinate amount. 
I've been on break so long that I'm losing track of the days. It's been really nice at home. I love being able to drive places and run errands. Although I spend a lot more money at home than while I'm at school. I have a Target addiction. I love the dollar section (have I mentioned this before?) and just wander around. It's like therapy, really. Anyway, they already have swimsuits out and it made me really want summer. I have a swimsuit fetish, but stopped myself from buying this super adorable olive swimsuit. I will wait a few months. I am on the hunt for a 2011 planner. I don't really like my school planner because the lines aren't big enough and I need more space for each day. I'm such a fan of post-its, highlighters, calendars, notepads and anything organizational. My mom got a "GTG" notepad for Christmas. It's super cute and I might steal it. 
One of my friends from school just texted me to say he saw an Audrey Hepburn Calendar and thought of me, which made me miss all my Audrey stuff in my dorm. I have two posters and three movies. I like my room at school a lot. My roomie (my BFF Rose from high school) and I did a black and white theme with a  pink accent. It's so classy and fabulous. I've been redoing my room at home and it's so weird that half of my stuff is still in Como (Columbia, Missouri). I'm a little nervous about going back. I really like being home and I think it'll suck to have to get readjusted again, plus I really don't want to go back to classwork. 
My mom and I are starting a workout plan on Monday. We're writing out our plans for how to be healthy and get in shape. This is what we have so far: 

Yeah, a lot of blank space. We are so not into working out. We used to be really good about it and go together all the time when I was in high school, but then I got a job and had newspaper, and she's always busy and gets up so early for work, so we stopped. But we're going to start slow and ease our way into. Sorry for the total randomness of this entry, but I have a feeling a lot of my entries will be like this. I really like blogging though, and I'm surprised at how much I can write. I have to work tomorrow from 9:30-3:30 and I'm SO not excited. QT coffee anyone? Then a new episode of Jersey Shore is on at 9. My boyfriend is a big fan, so he's going to come over and we're going to dress up. We like to dress up, and yes, we are the coolest couple of the year. 
Time for me to go figure out my plans and outfit for tonight. 
Oh wait, just kidding. Sex and the City is on E! and I'm going to watch with my mom. Love the clothes, Charlotte is my fave. 
Time to end this rambling novel. 

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