Monday, February 28, 2011

Money Money Monday

Hello friends, 
Sorry I've been super lame about blogging lately, I've been crazy busy, but hopefully this week will be better. I get to go home again this weekend since I was home for less than 24 hours this weekend. Totally worth the exhaustion and patheticness of dozing off at my computer at 7:30 last night. Anyway, I decided that each day of the week will have a theme. I'm not going to tell you them now, partly because I like to keep you guessing, partly because I don't know them all yet. 

So here we go: Mondays will feature tips on how to save/wisely spend money. This post's inspiration comes from my dad. Here's our texting convo: 
Me: Dad, please convince me to stop feeling guilty for wanting/needing Starbucks three days a week. 
Dad: You need counseling. 
He's a family therapist and thinks he's very funny. Anyway, he told me not to feel guilty and to give myself little rewards, but I still felt guilty for needing coffee (I work really early) 3 days a week even though I got almost $60 in gift cards for Christmas. Luckily, I have found a way to save money at Starbucks! If you bring your own cup, they will take 15 cents off your total. It's also great because it helps the environment and I get to use my super cute "C" coffee cup. So I just win win win no matter what. Everyone should totally try it and while you're at it, get some for me. Kidding. 

Happy (coffee) drinking 

Friday, February 25, 2011

Friday I'm in Love

I've been a little too busy the past few days to blog, so let's play catch up. Here's what I've been up to: 
Freaking out
Lying to my roommate that I will clean all my junk out of the fridge and take out the trash
Drinking a lot of Starbucks
Listening to Motion City Soundtrack 
and a whole bunch of other things similar to freaking out. 

Anyway, it's finally Friday and thank goodness. Ryan is coming tonight and I get to go home tomorrow! I'm so excited to see my Colorado cousins and the rest of my family. Sometimes, you just need to go home.  OMG Everyone around me has coffee and it smells so good. Sorry. 
Anway, I have good news! Last night I went to the Online New Association Meeting for my journalism class and we had a skype lecture with the founder of, which is an interactive advertising website and he said he is always shocked when he interviews potential employees and they don't have a blog or any online portfolio. I've been reading a lot of other blogs lately and people do some really cool things, so I'm really going to work on improving this. Right now I only have time for this short post that's not very exciting, but I promise to post more later! 
Have a great weekend. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

a poem

bio lab, bio lab, you give me panic attacks,
so do graphs in econ about tax.
my finger is bleeding really bad,
but i have a hello kitty band-aid, so it's not so sad.
i worked out this morning and i'm already sore,
i meant to take a class at the rec today called "core."
i really need to wash some clothes,
but when i'll have time no one knows.
ok i like really need to study,
but talking reading about microscopes makes me feel cruddy.
"love in this club" by the summer set is a great song,
goodness, gracious this week is SO long.
friday is national "mean girls status day" and i can't wait,
and i also have a baja/movie date.
ok, but for real i need to do something on my "to do list"
if it is super cold tomorrow, i'm going to be PIST.
all right kids have fun and be good,
if you're not sure whether to do something or not, just ask yourself, "do you think caroline would?"

ok, love ya!
p.s. i know that "pist" is really not the correct spelling for pissed. it's an inside joke and it fit nicely here.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hey Monday

Hey Monday, what a great band. I love girl bands. Anyway, today is Monday, but it's proving to be not so torturous as I thought. I'm patting myself on the back I made a "Weekend To Do List" on Friday and actually accomplished a lot of it. It really helps to write out all my homework ahead of time so I'm not waking up Sunday morning freaking out that I have to work in 3 hours and a ton to do! I like to make a list of everything I have to do for the week, like assignments, meetings, work, laundry and other odds and ends. Sometimes I put things on my to do list even if I've already done them, just so I can scratch if off my list. Shhh. But there's nothing wrong with recognizing accomplishments. I have a pretty busy week, but I'm on a John Mayer binge and I have a new background on my computer to get me through the week:

I don't know if anyone (besides Claire) has seen this before, but there is actually an interesting history behind this poster. It was a motto in Britain during a war. The original background was the British flag, but it is still used today and sometimes people change it to say funny things. Like, "keep calm and blog on." So true. And there are a bunch of Harry Potter ones too. My big reward for this busy week is getting to go home this weekend! I actually can't go home until Saturday morning because I have a mandatory work meeting, but Ryan is coming and staying Friday night and driving me home Saturday morning after my meeting because he's so nice. I'm so excited to see him and my family at home. My cousins from Colorado will be in town and I never get to see them, so it will be fab! 
keep calm and eat a cupcake, 

p.s. i actually saw a notepad that said, "keep calm and eat a cupcake" a few months ago and laughed for a lonnnng time. 

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Carenpants takes a field trip to the Columns

The Columns are my favorite place at Mizzou. The Columns originally stood in front of the Academic Building that burned down a long time ago. They now stand in the middle of the quad and look so cool. Mizzou has a lot of cool architecture. I'm actually sitting on a column now relaxing and unwinding from my two weeks of studying. I love love love Thursdays because my first class is at 11 and then I only have one other class at 1. I had an exam this morning and finished early, so I got Mac 'N Cheese from Noodles and Company and had a picnic with myself! My poli sci TA from last semester just walked past and I forgot I even took that class because I blocked it from memory. Anyway, today is beautiful and so is my school and I'm in a great mood. There are tons of people walking around in shorts and really cute outfits and it makes me want to go online shopping for summer clothes (honestly, what doesn't make me want to go online shopping?) and break out a swimsuit. It is really amazing how much the weather can influence my mood. Weather like this reminds me of the end of the school year. I feel like I'm almost finished with this semester and everything is so chill and almost over. It's going to be a super rude awakening when it gets cold again soon and I realize it's February, not April, but for now, I can pretend. I am listening to one of the greatest songs ever, Here Comes the Sun by The Beatles. It's so soothing. I'm going to take a nap here. This picture does not do the columns justice, but enjoy anyway.

Soak up the sun,

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Payday Holla Holla

I should really be studying for my journalism exam, but I don't feel like it! Anyway, I got paid today, so that's exciting! I really have to think long and hard before making a purchase (except candy) and I'm usually pretty smart with my money. As a blossoming economic genius, I'm realizing sometimes it's actually smart to spend a little more money on something. It's called an investment. For example, I thought almost $50 for a computer case was a little ridic, but I shopped around and found one for $37.00, which I still thought was expensive because I am honestly surprised when anything is more than $7, I ended up buying the case because I drop and spill things all the time and I wanted to protect my computer. So in other words, I made an investment in a my computer (and it's pink and looks super cute!) I could talk about opportunity cost here, but I'll spare you. Anyway, there are a few things that I am willing to pay more for to ensure good quality and a good investment. Here's a list :)
1. My hair. I once let my grandma highlight my hair. Notice I said once. It was orange. So while it was worth spending an afternoon hanging out with her, there is a HUGE difference between an $8 box of dye from Wal-Mart and $24 for highlights at Beauty Brands. I don't do it often, but when I do spend the money, I feel much better knowing a professional did it.
2. My new Camelback water bottle. I had this fantastic, giant water bottle for a year and a half that said "The Voice" on it, but it recently broke. I mostly liked it because "The Voice" was my high school newspaper and I was Editor-in-Chief. But it's time to move on. Plus, like I said, it broke and I cannot live without a water bottle! The bookstore didn't have much of a selection. This water bottle was $20 and I was like surely you are kidding, but the more I thought about it, I have probably spent at least $20 on cheap water bottles that I break, so I decided to get a more expensive one that will a) actually hold up b) fit in my backpack c) and has a straw! Anyway, I'm obsessed.
3. Backpack- I have a Swiss Army backpack and I don't remember how much it was. I just remember I was so pissed because my really cute black and pink backpack with a "C" on it ripped right through the bottom and that was kind of tacky to carry around. So instead of buying another cheap backpack, we got a nicer one that has lasted me 5 years and is still going strong!

I could probably write more, but I need to study and this is making me want to go online shopping. Anyway, I'll have to tell you all about my budget on some other post.

Here's a picture of Lia really excited to be on my blog. Earlier she tried to deny she was obsessed with my blog. A picture is a worth a thousand words, people. I'll let you interpret the pic for yourselves.

Make it rain ya'll,

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Smart Glasses

I would just like to say that I started the "smart glasses" trend. I bought a pair of fake glasses and wore them (along with my good luck glittery "blonde and smart" shirt) during my exams to make myself feel smart. They are really very stylish and this trend totally took off. You're welcome. Rose has some too. Someone sent me a bumper sticker on facebook (wow, I think I spent 2 months of my life looking at bumper stickers to avoid AP US homework junior year) that had a picture of William Beckett (lead singer of TIA) that said, "Sometimes I wear fake glasses." I wish I could find it to show you! It's totally ok to wear fake glasses! The funny thing is that I actually really need glasses now. Like I'm blind and can't read anything more than like 10 feet away. So, I'm wearing them now because I need to do a lot of reading and other blah blah blah things and to remind myself to tell my mom I need to make an appointment for Spring Break. Here's a picture of me in my glasses. Don't they look so real? And don't I look smart? Oh, I also have a lazy eye evidently. 

p.s. I think I'm going to make this blog have more of point each day, but don't worry, I will continue to fill you in on my extremely exciting life! 

Lia was very upset that I forgot to sign this, so thank goodness for editing. 


Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day Post 2

I'm sorry to anyone who hates Valentine's Day, but I have to gush for like 2 minutes. I got chocolate covered strawberries from Ryan and they are soo pretty. I took a picture to share before I ate one. I love love love strawberries and haven't had them forever, so it was perfect! They smell so good and they came in a pretty box. What a cutie. I know I said I was going to take pictures of all my pink stuff, but I forgot I lost one of my memory cards and the other one isn't working, so maybe if I have time I'll do it on my computer's camera, but we'll see. Let's see if I can figure out how to add a picture!
Oh yay, it worked. Ignore my dorky smile. Have a great rest of today. Show some love.
peace, love, strawberries,

p.s. I got a tumblr and have no idea what I'm doing!

Valentine's Day

Hello lovelies!
Happy Valentine's Day! Hopefully you are all enjoying your day. I really think there should be more pink holidays. I'm going to post later with pictures of some of the (many) pink things I own. My friend Claire has a blog and it's really fantastic! Her layout is so cool, so I've started playing with mine a lot. I have to go to econ soon and I promise to write a real post later, but for now I'll leave you with some of my favorite "love songs."
Kids in Love-Mayday Parade
Friday I'm in Love-The Cure
I Believe in a Thing Called Love-The Darkness
I Wanna Love You-The Maine version
Love Drunk-Boys Like Girls
Love Will Find You-Story Hill

Love you all!

P.S. Lia pointed out that I forgot to sign my "Baja" post and I'm terribly sorry.

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I'm on and reading, "Stupid Cupid: The Worst Valentine's Day Gifts of All Time" and someone actually got a flying squirrel. I thought I would share this because I have such a love and soft spot in my heart for squirrels. Not. Also, my mom just called me because she just learned she had voice command on her phone. She said, "I said 'Call Bee' and I didn't think it would, but it did!" So that's exciting.



I'm sorry that I lied yesterday and said I would write another post when I got home yesterday. Sorry, I got busy. Anyway, I might have mentioned that Ryan was coming to visit last night a few times. His mom, sister and brother drove him here and we all went out to dinner. Unfortunately, I don't know how to get anywhere besides downtown and places on campus, so as usual, I was not very helpful with directions. Anyway, it was fun to see them. We just hung out and watched TV and had a photo shoot on photo booth. We had Baja for lunch today (it's like Mexican food...) I was super sad for him to leave, but I'm going home in two weeks, so that's exciting! I got pizza for dinner with Kim and we just sat and talked for like 2 hours and then I hung out in her room. Her mom was sending her emails and my mom was sending me texts. I also ordered a case for my computer today and a keyboard cover, so I'm excited for that because I have a tendency to spill/drop things. 
I am happy to tell everyone that I got a B on my econ exam!!!!! I studied a lot, so I'm patting myself on the back. 
I also have buildings I can cut through to get to class faster/not frozen. One building has a halfway full of stuffed birds, which is a little creepy, but I can deal. I'M SO TIRED. The weather is a lot warmer, so tomorrow I'm going to study outside and get coffee. 
Too sweepy (sleepy) to think of anything else to write about. 

Friday, February 11, 2011


I'm writing a teaser post to tell everyone that in 2 hours I will be a free woman! All my exams will be over and I'll have time to write a post that doesn't entail me complaining about school. I will also have time to deal with my "Pile of Things I Need to Deal With" and that's very exciting because it's getting very big. I promise to post later after my econ exam is over. Ryan is coming to visit tonight!
Time for some last minute cramming/self doubting before my exam.

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Half Birthday Post

Wow, I can't believe I forgot to mention that today is my half birthday. I was so busy today that I forgot. WTF? Most people don't believe in half birthdays, until it's their half birthday. Well don't expect me to be excited for you if you weren't excited for me. Well, I definitely do and I think it's totally acceptable to celebrate that in 6 months I"ll be 20 and older than all my friends!
I got a valentine in the mail today from my friend Kate in St. Louis, which reminded me that I cut out a bunch of hearts to decorate our room with and then I never did anything with them and they are sitting on my desk. Just like earlier, I left a tupperware container full of veggies on my desk, which I meant to take care of last night, but it was 1:45 and I just didn't care anymore. So I threw them away because obvi they were gross and beginning to ferment (obvi I'm a bio student who had an exam today), so now our trashcan smells gross, but I think we might be out of trash bags and I had to get to work, so I just sprayed a lot of febreeze and turned on the fan and it's fine now. I'm really not as gross and scatterbrained as that story made me sound. But like really, I wash my hands, shower regularly, make my bed every day, do my laundry, and use clorox wipes a lot. Just had to clarify.
I'm happy to say this blog is getting more readers! This is really exciting and makes me feel really loved. You know what doesn't make me feel loved? Bio lab. Everyone is so bossy and takes everything so seriously. Like what does it really matter if this egg's weight increased because we put it in sugar water? It doesn't. And there was another graphing problem. I feel like I'm drowning graphs in econ. Lia is doing her math homework right now. Sucks to suck. Her jaw keeps popping out of place. Really sucks to suck.
I'm so excited because I only have class at 11 and 1 tomorrow! Whew whooo. And my friend Kim just wished me a happy half birthday. Her birthday was yesterday, so I was excited for her because I'm really nice.
Ok, I need to do something my life.
Happy Half Birthday to Me.

Broccoli and Ranch

Ello friends, 
I'm sitting at Memorial Union eating broccoli and ranch (and carrots, cucumbers and cauliflower). I accidentally typed croccoli and I laughed. I wish that was a real word. Anyway, I just had two exams. I had bio this morning and we can go on from noon today to noon tomorrow and fix answers that we think we got wrong and use our notes, so I'm doing that later with my friend Trish. Then I had the journalism part of my econ exam. It was online and we got 50 minutes to do it and it was basically interpreting articles and applying them economic terms. I would totally rather write essays than take tests because I'm suchhh a bad tester and they make me so nervous and question everything I know. Anyway, glad that's all over. I'm waiting to go to bio lab with Lia and we're dreading it because it's sooo boring and painful. There is a girl who went to SJA sitting in front of me and she's been talking on her phone the whole time and this guy just  walked up and starred at her and she was like, "....hi?" and he was like, "Ohhhh wow, you're not my friend sorry." I wonder if people ever blog about me and something weird that I did. It's weird to think about stuff like that. The other night at work, one of the student supervisors told me that his friend texted him last week about me. And I was like "uhh why?" And he was like, "well, funny story, you look just like my ex-girlfriend!" WEIRD. Someone here is wearing perfume that smells like something my grandma used to wear. Sad face. I'm going home the last weekend in February because it's my Aunt's 60th birthday party and her daughters are in town from Colorado, so I'm really excited for that. Speaking of being excited, Ryan is coming to visit on Friday!! Yayyyy. Oh sheesh ya'll I need to leave for bio in a sec, but I'm listening to a great song called, "The Bright Side" by We Shot the Moon (thank you, lia) and it's my new theme song! Except about bio because there is nothing bright about that right now. Ok damn, just kidding, it's Lia. Too lazy to erase. 

Monday, February 7, 2011

Catch up

Hello loyal followers, 
Sorry for not blogging the past few days. I've tried to write several posts and I've gotten distracted. This week is super hectic. So here's what's been up the past few days: 
1. Saturday: Mass, work out, party, Gumby's, Rose falling in love with carpet cleaner. Not too exciting, except for the part when Rose found carpet cleaner in Mare and Lia's room. She was pretty excited and we were excited by association. 
2. Sunday: Econ quiz with my friend Nicole. We greatly improved our scores for last week, so we were really happy. I may or may not have made a frazzled call to my parents about all my homework/exams/quizzes/work/lack of a phone, so now they are worried about me and I feel bad. Then I went to work. A word about the sound of bouncing basketballs: It makes me want to tear up a bunch of paper and throw it in the recycling. Unfortunately, that's really a lose-lose situation for everyone because then I don't have any paper to write notes on and it's bad for the environment. Maybe that's just me. Anyway....
3. Monday: I had work this morning, so I stayed at worked out. Then I got ready for my day and decided to get a grande coffee instead of a tall because I thought I would be tired, and I have too much to do to nap and the good news is IT WORKED AND IS STILL WORKING. The bad news is that my heart is beating a mile a minute and my hands occasionally shake. I'm also a little stressed (ok, a lot) about my exams and then I get stressed because my heart is beating too fast, which makes it beat faster, so I'm blogging now to distract myself. Anyway, I saw my friend Claire at the Student Center this morning. She actually scared the crap out me, but we laughed about it later. So I sat with her and her roommate eventually joined us. It was nice to catch up and chat about to do lists and planners. Then I had bio and it was fine. Then I had lunch and Econ. I was super hoping my 3 o'clock class would be cancelled since it's a bio discussion follows the lab, which we didn't have due to the snow day. But we had the longest class ever. We learned about every part of a microscope and how you can tell if the blue string is on top or the yellow if you zoom and then magnify and a whole bunch of other boring things. And I didn't even get to sit by Lia because there were no empty spots next to each other. And we have homework. That I should do now. But won't. 
My mind is racing and I can only think of a few words at a time, like "write photosynthesis" "taxes?" "phone contacts." That translates into: Write out the steps for photosynthesis, ask dad about your tax form and transfer old contacts into new phone when you have time. BY THE WAY I GOT A NEW PHONE! 
Wow, I'm so very sorry for this post. I should probably put a disclaimer at the top of this post to not read this because it's so terrible. 
Ok, super need to do some homework. Sorry that you read this. 

Saturday, February 5, 2011


I named this post Salsa because I just finished chips and salsa and I'm over creative titles. Today was kind of weird day. I got some weird mail, but most of you already know this story, so I won't go into here. Anyway, I had three classes today. I ate lunch with my friend Sarah and made my first visit to Eva J's and it made me very anxious because 1. it was very crowded 2. i was worried about being on time for my class 3. people kept touching me 4. my feet were frozen 5. i couldn't find sarah. 6. i was nervous about my weird mail. But it was fine and I had some chinese food. Then I went to my econ teacher's office hours with my new friend. I got home around 3:15 and Rose and I watched a lot of TV and tried to bribe people to bring us dinner, but we had no takers, so we ordered pizza and watched some more TV and the vegged some more and then we just talked for like the last hour and here we are. This is a super short post, but it's 2:15 and we've had a long night of vegging, so we're heading to bed. More tomorrow.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Can't Sleep

Well the title is pretty self explanatory. It's probably because I slept so late today and had caffeine at 11. Anyway, I hate when I can't sleep and Rose isn't here because then I start thinking way too much and then my sheets really start to annoy me because they feel itchy and too hot and too pink. Then aside from worrying about all sorts of useless things, I start to worry about how I should be sleeping. This happens to me a lot the night before my early work shift. I'm worried about not waking up on time tomorrow because last Friday I overslept and made it to Brit Lit just in time and I hate when that happens because then I feel irresponsible. I'm also worried I won't wake up because I can't set the alarm on my phone since it is still broken and even though my Ipod alarm is way more annoying than my phone, I'm convinced I won't hear it and wake up on time. I also have three exams next week that I keep thinking about. It's probably good that we have school tomorrow because I've been either in my room or at work for the past three days and I'm going a little crazy. I'm also going crazy because as I might have mentioned before, my phone is broken and I feel really out of touch. I miss texting my mom all day. I only talked to her once today and it was weird. Rose is still gone, which is sad. I did see Mare and Lis for a little bit tonight. I just feel lonely and out of sorts without my roomie and phone, so I'm going to read a chapter in "Are You There Vodka?  It's Me, Chelsea" in an effort to laugh my ass off so much that I fall right to sleep.
Caren out.

Growing Pains

My wisdom teeth are coming in full force and they hurt like a motha. I'm so over my teeth. I had this really clingy orthodontist and he could just not accept that I was over him and all his tricks. Yeah, your office was cool for the first three years I had braces. You had a lot of color choices for rubber bands and some good magazines, but your office smelled weird and had weird artwork. I gave up every half day and day off in high school AND grade school and he gave me nothing in return for years. I could have done all this stuff myself. He promised my braces would be coming off "very soon," but that was never the case. Finally, the summer of my senior year, I said I'm sick of yo shit and I asked very nicely for them to take my braces off for my senior pictures. No one in the office could understand why in the world I would want my braces off for my senior picture. Someone actually said, "It's not like these are your wedding pictures." It might not have been a big deal had I not had braces since the fifth grade. After a lot of negotiating, promising to wear a retainer all day, err day, and get the braces back on for a year right after the pictures, they finally agreed to let my teeth be free for a week. Or so they thought. Unfortunately, I had to work the day they scheduled the appointment, so I had cancel and said I would "get back to them ASAP," which I didn't. They left a lot of passage aggressive messages, which I promptly deleted. My parents were kind of pissed, but I reminded them this was the only rebellious thing I had ever done in my life and they eventually dealt with it. This is actually a very long story and I skipped a lot of details. So, now I don't have braces and I'm a happy camper. Except not right now. Anyway, my laundry is almost finished. I'm still phone and roommateless.
P.S. 1 week!

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


I'm really tired of coming up with clever names for each of these posts, so just ignore the titles. I'm sick of the snow and being bundled up and looking like a snowwoman all the time. I feel like I've gained so much weight like today alone and don't even get me started on this week. I feel sooo fat and I've even worked out every day this week. Maybe it's just muscle. Meeeh. This morning (ok, 1:30) I went to Rollins and had brunch. I have this weird thing where I can't eat lunch until I've eaten breakfast. So I made myself a waffle, which I only half of because it was so big and bad for me, so then I had some grilled cheese and salad. This is really uninteresting, sorry. Then Mare and Lia missed us so much that they made the hike over to my dorm. There is another snow day tomorrow and I have been so unproductive. I have gone to work, but I need to do some homework! My roomie is gone and I miss her. My phone is still broken and I have 7 unread messages. I have a giant mound of clothes to deal with next to my desk right now, but luckily my file holder thing is super organized and looks great. Tomorrow is def a laundry day. I can't believe I have nothing to do tomorrow. So exciting. Only 8 days until Ryan comes to visit. I really need to read for Brit Lit and Econ, but I just don't feel like it. Luckily, Sex and the City is on and I had a mini DP, so I can stay up late doing homework. I would super love to only have school 2 days a week. Oh well this is disappointing, Holly's World is on, not Sex and the City. She just went on vaca to Disney World, which seems weird to me, but do whatever.
Ok, time to clean up.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011


So when I left for work this morning at 7:20, we had a little bit of snow and by the time I left for home around 10:30, we already had a ton of snow. Anyway, no one was at work, but it went by a lot faster than I thought. So I stayed and worked out and I even went in the weight room since no one was there and I walked around like I owned the place. And I'm already kind of sore, so that means I did something right. (Right?) I also dropped my phone at work and the screen fell off, so now the touchscreen doesn't work, which means that really nothing works. I can answer calls and dial if I know the number. Essentially, my phone is useless. I have three unread messages on my phone and now way to read them. I'm trying not to think about them. Hit me up on twitter or FB or send me mail.
After work, I took a long nap and I've pretty much done nothing since. I went to dinner with Rose and Ben at Rollins and Ben almost caught the toaster on fire. It was literally smoking and smelled really bad. He works there, but he def knows what he's doing. Then we watched Easy A and it was a pretty good movie. Rose and I just watched Chelsea Lately and she's snoozin' on the floor. I'M SO HUNGRY. Don't tell Ryan, but I really want tacos. Also, don't tell him, but I'm planning on surprising him and taking him the the Justin Beiber movie when he comes to visit in 9 days. He's such a fan.
School is cancelled again tomorrow. I'm not working until 5:30, so I'm going to sleep super late and eat waffles for breakfast at Rollins! I'm so excited because I don't have class on Thursday until 11, and then one other class at 1, so this is week has been very low key. Also, because class is cancelled I don't have my bio lab tomorrow!!!!! That also means probs no discussion on Monday.
Time to not give my full attention to econ.
Stay warm friends,