Monday, February 7, 2011

Catch up

Hello loyal followers, 
Sorry for not blogging the past few days. I've tried to write several posts and I've gotten distracted. This week is super hectic. So here's what's been up the past few days: 
1. Saturday: Mass, work out, party, Gumby's, Rose falling in love with carpet cleaner. Not too exciting, except for the part when Rose found carpet cleaner in Mare and Lia's room. She was pretty excited and we were excited by association. 
2. Sunday: Econ quiz with my friend Nicole. We greatly improved our scores for last week, so we were really happy. I may or may not have made a frazzled call to my parents about all my homework/exams/quizzes/work/lack of a phone, so now they are worried about me and I feel bad. Then I went to work. A word about the sound of bouncing basketballs: It makes me want to tear up a bunch of paper and throw it in the recycling. Unfortunately, that's really a lose-lose situation for everyone because then I don't have any paper to write notes on and it's bad for the environment. Maybe that's just me. Anyway....
3. Monday: I had work this morning, so I stayed at worked out. Then I got ready for my day and decided to get a grande coffee instead of a tall because I thought I would be tired, and I have too much to do to nap and the good news is IT WORKED AND IS STILL WORKING. The bad news is that my heart is beating a mile a minute and my hands occasionally shake. I'm also a little stressed (ok, a lot) about my exams and then I get stressed because my heart is beating too fast, which makes it beat faster, so I'm blogging now to distract myself. Anyway, I saw my friend Claire at the Student Center this morning. She actually scared the crap out me, but we laughed about it later. So I sat with her and her roommate eventually joined us. It was nice to catch up and chat about to do lists and planners. Then I had bio and it was fine. Then I had lunch and Econ. I was super hoping my 3 o'clock class would be cancelled since it's a bio discussion follows the lab, which we didn't have due to the snow day. But we had the longest class ever. We learned about every part of a microscope and how you can tell if the blue string is on top or the yellow if you zoom and then magnify and a whole bunch of other boring things. And I didn't even get to sit by Lia because there were no empty spots next to each other. And we have homework. That I should do now. But won't. 
My mind is racing and I can only think of a few words at a time, like "write photosynthesis" "taxes?" "phone contacts." That translates into: Write out the steps for photosynthesis, ask dad about your tax form and transfer old contacts into new phone when you have time. BY THE WAY I GOT A NEW PHONE! 
Wow, I'm so very sorry for this post. I should probably put a disclaimer at the top of this post to not read this because it's so terrible. 
Ok, super need to do some homework. Sorry that you read this. 

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